Can't get enough of Europe

I haven't blogged anything for a while (mostly because I keep forgetting I have a blog) but I figure this is a good time as any to revisit! I've been in Europe for about two weeks now. I came to present at a conference (Thermodynamics 2015) in Copenhagen, Denmark and then decided to do some exploring after because why not? So here's what's been up! I arrived in Copenhagen on September 13th and instantly realized I had packed very poorly. It was super windy and cold and all I had packed were tank tops, shorts and two light jackets/cardigans. It's not that I hadn't checked the weather. It's that in the warmth of North Carolina's sunny days, 65 degrees just hadn't seemed that cold. Anyway, jet lagged and all (I had flown from California), it took a few days to get my sleeping schedule in order. My friends, Mariah and Laura, were also presenting at the same conference so we spent the first few days mostly just attending conference events and having oc...