A New Chapter

It's here. Moving week! First things first, in case you missed it, we're moving to New York y'all!! The uncertainty (refer to last post) did continue a littttle longer than we anticipated (we only officially signed our lease last week 😂) and we were definitely thrown some curveballs but the beginning of our adventure is in sight! Given that New York was our first choice and Detroit was our last, we were obviously super grateful to officially know that we weren't going to be spending the next 8 months in Detroit. Unless you live in Detroit, in which case, I actually hear it's gotten pretty nice. So why New York? Thanks for asking! We made this choice for a multitude of reasons, really. I'll bullet-point it for you to make this easy to follow because we all work hard enough as it is. 1). NYC is a city that I, personally, have always wanted to always live in for its food, culture, food, vibrant energy, food, and entertainment. Did I ...