A New Chapter

It's here. Moving week!

First things first, in case you missed it, we're moving to New York y'all!! The uncertainty (refer to last post) did continue a littttle longer than we anticipated (we only officially signed our lease last week 😂) and we were definitely thrown some curveballs but the beginning of our adventure is in sight! Given that New York was our first choice and Detroit was our last, we were obviously super grateful to officially know that we weren't going to be spending the next 8 months in Detroit. Unless you live in Detroit, in which case, I actually hear it's gotten pretty nice.

So why New York? Thanks for asking! We made this choice for a multitude of reasons, really. I'll bullet-point it for you to make this easy to follow because we all work hard enough as it is.

1). NYC is a city that I, personally, have always wanted to always live in for its food, culture, food, vibrant energy, food, and entertainment. Did I mention food? 🤤 Joe also had the brilliant idea to secretly get tickets to The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and The Daily Show (with Trevor Noah) next week so we're starting this New York experience with a bang, y'all. Having grown up in cities, I'm also definitely pretty excited for public transportation and bars/restaurants within walking distance.

2). The city is basically a Mecca for Data Science, which if you've read my last post, is the field I'm hoping to break into following my PhD and consulting gigs. So while recruiting is quite possibly one of my least favorite activities, I am actually pretty stoked for the exposure to new people, new activities, and new opportunities within this space. 

3). Out of all the projects Joe was offered, the one in NY was the most exciting and the most out of his comfort zone. We're big on that these days because if there's anything I've learned from my nomadic childhood, it's only when you step out of your comfort zone that the real growth happens. I've found this to be true both personally and professionally so I'm super proud and excited to see how this new experience shapes Joe.

Okay, I know what all this sounds like. It probably sounds like we just can't wait to leave Raleigh and get to New York. And well, that is partially true. I truly am ready for this adventure to start and for all the new experiences that come with it. I've said this before - routine is not my strong suit. But it's also slowly sinking in that this means our time in Raleigh is nearing its end. And as much I've moved, I've never been good with goodbyes (anyone who says they are is a bold-faced liar, I'm sure of it). It doesn't take much for me to get attached to people, places, or animals (big surprise) and whether this is a weakness or a strength is still unclear to me. 

But my time in Raleigh has been exceptionally special, and not just because this is the longest I've ever lived in a city. When I first moved here in 2012, I could never have predicted the way the next few years would shape me. I received my PhD, which challenged me in ways I can probably never put into words. I began my first job here, which taught me so much about what I really want from my career. I discovered my love for climbing here, a passion I hope to pursue more religiously again in the near future. I adopted Ace the Bathound here, a dopeface who I'm pretty sure lives a better life than 80% of humans but still chooses to destroy all our furniture. I made some incredible, life-long friends here - friends that, at this point, are more like family. 

And finally, I met my husband here. And for that, I could not be more grateful to this city. 

But here's the kicker. 

Events and experiences never occur in isolation. These wonderful, amazing things were only possible because 7 years ago, another adventure in Austin came to an end so the adventure in Raleigh could start. For if a chapter never ends, how will a new one begin? Raleigh will always have a special place in my heart for all the reasons above and more, no matter what the future holds. But the time for a new chapter is here, and New York promises to move this story forward in so many exciting ways, some of which I can control and others that I probably can't.

All I can hope is that when this book is finished, I can say that it was a hell of a read.


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