The power of simplicity

As human beings, I think most of us struggle with just letting things be. We overthink. We create complications for ourselves and then wonder why life couldn't be more simple. We look for happiness from external sources, failing to realize that true happiness comes from within us. We expect others to respect us, while constantly making decisions without respecting ourselves. We complain about situations without trying to actively come up with solutions. 

Maybe it's time we stopped.

I'm slowly beginning to learn that life is as simple or complicated as we want it to be. If you're not happy about something, change it. Or at least try. It's not always going to be a quick fix but more often than not, there's always something you can actively DO about the situation you're in. If you're in a complicated relationship or situation, get out. Now. Because you're better than that. If you're spending more time focusing on the negatives in your life than the positives, maybe it's time to take a step back and re-evaluate some things. Because chances are, you have more things going well for you than you realize.

I never quite realized the importance of de-cluttering my life (and my mind) until fairly recently. But once I started to make a conscious effort, here are a few key things I found to be quite helpful:

1) Forgiveness. Everyone has been hurt by others before and everyone has done things to hurt others before. The more you hold on to the bitterness, the harder it is for you to be move on and be happy. So forgive others. And forgive yourself. Free yourself from guilt and open yourself up to all the opportunities to be better.

2) Acceptance. Everyone has flaws, and you're probably more aware of yours than of anyone else's. But instead of trying to change people (including yourself) to fit into a mold, just accept people the way they are. This doesn't mean that you stop growing as a person but it does mean that you stop beating yourself up for your flaws.

3) Be happy. I don't know if it's true but I believe this is something you can try and actively control. There are a few things that I know make me happy such as climbing, being outside, being with close friends, eating Chipotle etc. So, I try to spend more time doing those things. Whatever it is that makes you happy, do it more. Because trying to be happy in the present moment rather than pursuing this all-encompassing notion of "forever happiness" is probably the kindest thing you can do to yourself.

We only get one life. Keep it simple.


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