New York - Week 1

We did it! As of today, July 1st 2019, I can officially say that we survived our first week in the Big Apple! Hold the applause, everyone. 😅

It's kind of hard to summarize all that this week has been. On one hand, it's like "Okay Deepti, calm down. It's only been a week - we've been on longer vacations." Which I totally get. But on the other hand, our lives have changed so dramatically in this one week that I'm honestly still processing it all. And in case you haven't caught on, I process a lot of my thoughts and emotions through writing. 🤷 

But given that this isn't just MY move, but a move for all 3 of us, I thought we might do something a little different this time. In order to truly capture the essence of this move, I've called in the big guns to describe our experience so far and what we hope these next few months will look like for us.

Everybody, say hi to Joe and his big guns! 👋 At least until Ace learns how to type...

Also in the spirit of doing things differently, I figured we'd do this in a streamlined, Q&A style fashion. Trust me, it's for the best so this post doesn't turn into the ramblings of us arguing over who has to decide what we're having for dinner tonight. 😂 

First some perspective: What made you choose New York for the first rotation? 

Joe: I guess there were a few motivating factors. Firstly, it's a lot closer to my family than Raleigh, which was a nice benefit. The second factor can be summarized in one word - Deepti. She has always been a big-city person and always wanted to live in NYC. An 8-month rotation seemed like the perfect amount of time to be able to enjoy what the city has to offer without committing to something more long-term. It also provided her with the largest array of professional opportunities, something that was incredibly important for me. Lastly, I think a part of me wanted to prove to myself that I could do it. Being a small-town guy, living in NYC was something entirely out of my comfort zone. If it was just me, I never would have thought that it would be a good idea. But then I thought, if not now when?  

Deepti: I wrote a little about this in the last post and I think Joe pretty much covered the rest 💙

How did you feel in the first 24 hours after you arrived?

Joe: The very first feeling I felt when we arrived in New York was relief. For so many things. The long drive was finally over, there was parking outside our building (!!), lush greenery in our neighborhood, and traffic wasn't nearly as bad as I had expected. So in my book, we were off to a strong start. After that, it was honestly just excitement and anticipation. Being in the Bronx, it's not overly crowded and the change felt more manageable than I had expected.

Deepti: I guess overwhelmed would be the best way to describe what I felt for those first few hours. I don't function very well when I'm sleep-deprived so that combined with how different and unfamiliar everything felt was more than I could handle at the time. New York can be a little intimidating and to me, in those first few hours, every little thing seemed daunting. I remember sitting in the car outside of IKEA and bawling to Joe "Why am I the way that I am?" because I just couldn't even. 😂 In that moment, I genuinely didn't understand why I couldn't just stick to one place and felt the need to move. It's a wonder what a good night's sleep and not having boxes in your living room and kitchen can do because every day since then has only gotten better. 

What surprised you most about New York?

Joe: The first thing that surprised me was how quiet our neighborhood was. Aside from hearing kids out on the playground at recess during the day, it's a very low-key area which I really didn't expect to find in New York. The second thing that surprised me was how friendly everyone was (idea stolen from Deepti, she will elaborate further). 

Deepti:  ðŸ˜‚ Honestly, though, that really was one of the most surprising things for me. For some reason, I had this idea in my head that New Yorkers were cold and unfriendly and that I had been ruined by Southern hospitality all these years. But so far, everyone from our neighbors to people we run into on the street have been friendly, helpful and incredibly pleasant. I do think Ace helps a lot in that regard (he's already become a building favorite) but it's definitely not something I expected.

Joe: Oh also, how far away everything is! I had this idea that I would just have to walk out the door and everything I needed would be right there. But I have to walk 3 minutes to a grocery store and 15 minutes to the subway and restaurants, which is fine. I'm just saying 😂

After one week, what has been your most favorite and least favorite part of living in New York?

Joe: Contrary to the whining in my previous answer, having a variety of excellent restaurants within walking distance is the best part. My least favorite part is the exorbitant cost. Not only the rent, but also food and other day-to-day expenses.

Deepti: I think, hands down, my favorite part of living in NYC is the energy. It's what I love about cities - the diversity and interactive co-existence with people of all walks of life, and we get to experience that so much more now that we don't have to drive everywhere. I think my least favorite is probably seeing all the trash/broken glass lying around in many parts of the city. That's not something I'm used to seeing in Singapore and something I'm still getting used to. Also, the small kitchens. 

What are you looking forward to the most in the next 8 months?

Joe: There are two easy answers to this question: A) Meeting new people and B) Experiencing new things. But the thing I am looking forward to the most is autumn in New York and sharing that with Deepti and Doofus (Ace). Deepti has not experienced an autumn like autumn in the Northeast where you get the full fall foliage, comfortable day temperatures, and brisk evenings. Even late autumn and being able to see Ace frolic in the snow more than once a year. Those are some of my favorite things in the world so being able to share all that with these guys is the thing I am most excited about. 

Deepti: Apart from personal and professional growth, I think the cultural experience that New York has to offer is what I'm most excited about. The shows, the music, the food - NYC is the entertainment epicenter of the world in so many ways and I would love to look back at our time here and feel like we REALLY experienced all that this incredible city has to offer. The good, the bad, the ugly, and the magnificent.

Until next time, this is DJ signing off! ✌Apartment and city photos coming your way soon!


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